Beat the Winter Blues with an Indoor Bulb Garden

The smell of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths has always reminded me of Spring and Easter.  For much of my life I assumed these beautiful blooms were delegated to that season.  Then one cold winter day a friend and florist invited me to her house and I was amazed.  She had bulbs of all sorts blooming  everywhere.  It was like stepping from a brutal February day into a little piece of Spring, smell and all!

I was never able to duplicate the full effect of her numerous plantings. After all, I am not a florist.   I have been successful at growing a few bulbs over the years.  Even in small quantity, they do give a glimmer of upcoming Spring.  Here are some simple instructions for Tulips & Hyacinths. 

Ehow ~ How to Grow Tulip Bulbs Indoors

Ehow ~ How to Care for Indoor Tulip Bulbs

Ehow How to Grow Hyacinth Bulbs Indoors




If there aren't enough hours in your winter days to fit in bulb planting, consider these excellent arrangements from our friends at Wind & Weather.  They are sure to brighten up any room regardless of the outside chill.

 Wind & Weather 

Live Plants & Bulbs


It’s common knowledge that indoor plants can improve the air quality in your home. But did you know that having indoor gardens can also help reduce your stress, decrease headaches, lower blood pressure, help fight colds and improve your mood? And if that’s not reason enough to have them in your home, indoor plants also add color and texture to a room, and give it life. Wind & Weather has everything you need to create beautiful indoor gardens to enhance your home. Look here to discover lush greenery, blooming bulbs, lucky bamboo, bonsai, topiaries, enchanting EcoSpheres, exquisite orchids and other indoor plants you’ll love.



Ice Globe Candle Lantern Kit



Magic Giant Jellyfish Aquarium






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