Taste the Tradition: Welsh Mountain Amish Homemade Apple Butter from Saving Shepherd


Looking for a delicious and wholesome spread for your toast, biscuits, or bagels? Look no further than Welsh Mountain Amish Homemade Apple Butter available exclusively at Saving Shepherd!


A is for apple

Our Plain Apple Butter is a traditional and beloved spread made from fresh apples, sugar, apple juice, and spices. It is homemade by Amish families in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, using traditional methods that have been passed down for generations. The apples are cleaned, cut, and cooked in small batches in large copper kettles over an open fire, which gives the apple butter its distinctive flavor and color. The stirring is done by hand with large wooden paddles, a labor-intensive process that requires patience and skill. This attention to detail and commitment to quality ensures that each jar is made with care and is a true representation of the rich tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch community.


Handmade in Lancaster PA


For those who prefer a natural and healthier alternative, we also offer Honey Sweet Apple Butter. This popular variation of our Plain Apple Butter is made with the same fresh apples, pure apple juice, and spices, but with NO SUGAR ADDED. Instead, it is sweetened with pure honey, which adds a natural sweetness and depth of flavor. It is perfect for those who want to enjoy the taste of apple butter without the added sugar.


sweetened with honey

Apple butter has a long history in the Pennsylvania Dutch community, dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries when German immigrants settled in the area. The Pennsylvania Dutch community has a strong tradition of preserving foods, and apple butter became a popular way to preserve the bounty of their apple orchards. The process of making apple butter was often a communal activity, with neighbors and family members gathering together to help with the cooking and stirring. It was a time for socializing and sharing stories, and the aroma of the cooking apples and spices would fill the air.

Made in a Kettle

 Today, apple butter remains a popular food in the Pennsylvania Dutch community, and many families still make it using traditional methods. Our Amish Homemade Apple Butter is made with the same commitment to quality and tradition. It is locally sourced and grown on surrounding Amish farmlands and harvested from family orchards. From start to finish, everything gets cleaned and cut by hand. Each jar is processed without any artificial ingredients in a hot water bath, which preserves the food naturally.


A delicious spread

Our apple butter products come in 16oz pint jars, which are available in quantities of 1, 3, 6, or 12. Buying in bulk means you can save more and enjoy this delicious spread for longer.

At Saving Shepherd, we take pride in offering products that are made with traditional methods and natural ingredients. Our Amish Homemade Apple Butter is no exception. Each jar is a true representation of the rich history and tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch community. So whether you prefer the classic taste of Plain Apple Butter or the natural sweetness of Honey Sweet Apple Butter, give our Amish Homemade Apple Butter a try today! It is a staple of every pantry in the Plain Community and a delicious addition to any meal.

Available at savingshepherd.com

