Flutter Your Way to a Butterfly Oasis with Our Amish Handcrafted Butterfly Houses!

Butterflies are beautiful and delicate creatures that add a touch of magic to any garden or backyard. If you're looking to attract these winged wonders to your outdoor space, then you will love our Amish Handcrafted Butterfly Houses.


saving shepherd butterfly houses
 Made from weatherproof recycled poly and meticulously handcrafted by Amish craftsmen, Saving Shepherd butterfly houses are designed to provide a warm, dry, and safe place for butterflies to reside. With perfectly-sized entry slats, bright attractive colors, and durable materials, they're sure to bring a bounty of butterflies to your backyard garden for years to come.



Here are some tips on how to attract butterflies to your Amish Handcrafted Deluxe Butterfly House:

  1. Plant butterfly-friendly flowers: Butterflies are attracted to nectar-rich flowers such as zinnias, asters, and marigolds. Make sure to plant these flowers near your butterfly house to attract them.

  2. Provide a water source: Butterflies need water just like any other creature. You can provide them with a shallow dish filled with water and pebbles for them to perch on while they drink.

  3. Avoid using pesticides: Pesticides can harm butterflies and other beneficial insects. Instead, opt for natural pest control methods like companion planting and hand-picking pests.


  4. Provide a sunny spot: Butterflies love to bask in the sun, so make sure to place your butterfly house in a sunny spot.

  5. Keep your butterfly house clean: Butterflies are attracted to clean and well-maintained areas. Make sure to clean your butterfly house regularly with soap and water to keep it inviting for them.


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With these tips and a Saving Shepherd Amish Handcrafted Butterfly House, you're sure to attract a beautiful array of butterflies to your backyard. Plus, you'll be supporting sustainable and eco-friendly practices by choosing a product made from recycled plastic bottles. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of butterflies in your backyard!

